just capture all the drawings, then run the Scan Cleaner on the captured images and then you can use the Light Table. For straight forward video capturing of drawings for a pencil test I think Onion Skinning while shooting is not necessary. If you capture drawings via a webcam the images have not been Scan Cleaned yet, so those are opaque images (therefore the LightTable Onion-Skinning won't work, just like if you import scanned drawings in to TVPaint you must Scan Clean them first before you can see the previous frames and following frames with the Light Table turned on). The goal is, to have kind of a transparent overlay over the actual video signal to see, what's happen in the previous frame(s). Is there another possibility to get kind of onion skinning when using the video input? Maybe with the lighttable? Should the mix-setting work and would it be useful for animation (onion skinning)? Wether I set it to 0%, 50% or 100%, there is no project overlay over the video signal. I think, the mix settings in the video input panel is made to do the job, but it seems not to work here. Everything works except for the onionskin function.

We are using Logitech 9000 webcams connected to TVPaint. We try to emancipate from other penciltest software and want to use TVPaint to test (grab frames from video source) handrawn animation on paper and analog cut out animation. "Sorry but you cannot use search at this time.