You can also use this feature to assign species to your characters if you are a science fiction author. In that case, you can create new tags for Family, Friends, and Work and assign those tags to the different character profiles. For example, suppose that you want to arrange your characters by groups to see how they are related to each other. All the items in the app can be organized by tags now. We have included keyboard shortcuts to help you boost your productivity, as well as full trackpad and mouse support (on the iPad).Moving items to a scene or another project works with drag and drop too. Now you just have to choose the picture you want and drag and drop it to the character or location profile. Now you can configure the app to be locked with code or Touch/Face ID protection.

You can choose between an overall target or a daily goal and set a deadline with the days of the week you use to write. Now you will be able to set a goal and control your writing progress. Over the last few months, we've been working hard to bring you a significant update with many new features.