Usually you have that typical user interface with some kind of listing, whether it’s a typical table (hence a DataGridView) or it’s based on tiles. Literally every (VB NET) Developer will face this issue from time to time, or even more than once. If you’ve searched it, well theres no big surprise, because it’s one well known problem. Maybe you came across randomly, or you actively searched for that typical issue. I welcome you to todays post on „How to make a VB NET DataGridView filter„! How to make a VB NET DataGridView filter!? 3.4.7 Reacting to user pressing Enter – a UI/UX thingy.3.4.6 Performing the filtering by FilterCustomers method.3.4.5 SearchCustomers method definition.3.4.2 Instantiating the form – The Constructor.3.4 The Code – VB NET DataGridView filter example 1.3.3 Creating the user interface for the VB NET DataGridView filter example.3.1 An easy and clean data source – An extended BindingList.3 Using a bound list for a VB NET DataGridView filter.2.1 Adding data directly to the DataGridView – Don’t!.2 Different situations require different solutions.1.1 Preview of what we are going to build.